Differences between the film and the book:
The Frankenstein movie of Graham didn't respect all the real story book of Marry Shelley, he had put some details and some scenes and facts that don't exist in the real story but I think that he made it to give some intensity and action to the movie. When we compare the tow works we can see along that some scenes had been added to the film for example, in the movie, his friend Henry and Victor met together when they arrived to the university, but in the real story the tow men were friends since their were children.
And other fact that we can expect in the film it's when the cholera appear in the university city
were Victor went to study and it was the cause that conduce the escaping of Henry but Victor didn't mind that and he continued his experiment, after that her love Elisabeth come to see him and to try to make him reasonable, this scenes doesn't appear in the book.
But more than this, the film maker put some others facts which are unreal in the Mary Shelley's book, and it's about a Scenes when after that the monster kill Elisabeth, Victor took her to resurrect her, and it also appear a fight between Victor and The monster to own Elisabeth who find her self ugly and finally she suicide because of not could stand his new form as a monster.
That were the most important differences that we can find between the movie made by Graham and the real story of Frankenstein. Well in my opinion I've prefer the book than the movie because the director put some fact to make the film more interesting maybe but he just arrived to make it unreal and a bit ridiculous with scenes which make more laugh in state of make you blue.
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