Nowadays, the computers are necessary and useful in all the field of life. It's considerate the third big discovering and revolution just after the industrial revolution.
In the moderns societies, it's just impossible to live without this kind of technology like computers, mobiles, cameras... Because it made our life easier. On one hand, we can find in a few seconds all the kind of informations that we want, we can talk with people and see them at the same time and cheaper, because the distance doesn't matter.
Some others can work at home without move and stay closer to their family or children. And then we can also find love virtually or new people all around the world thanks to msn, tchats and forums. Well to sum up, with the computers and Internet we can win time.
But on another hand, this kind of technology can be dangerous for human also if they are addicted to it, the problems that it makes are that we lose the feelings when we used to talk so much by the screen, children spend more time in the video games, locked in virtual world in state to go play out and discover the real world. As we could see in some news, criminal can reach children by tchat and make them believe that they are their friends, ending with kidnappings and paedophilia.
An other negative point that we can added to this list is that the Internet is destroying and ruining the music and cinema industry because we have more facility to obtain them free.
In conclusion, I would say that the computers are indispensable for us nowadays. We can't forget that the Informatica has created a lot of jobs and made our life easier. But if we don't know how to control it we can easily fall in addiction and made us live in a virtual world forgetting the essential of the real life.