samedi 9 mai 2009
Analysing my work
During these two years I have been doing a lot of things in English: blogs, portfolios, writings, speakings...I 've learned step by step and now I can see the evolution between my first work and my last one. Th first thing that I can remark is that I've get so much fluency in my writings but also in my orals, I've been learning more vocabulary. When I compared my first and last writing in my portfolio I could see how much I change my way of writing.
At first both writing differ on the topic but also in the structure. The first one was a presentation of my self. What I could see about my first entry is that it was a bit short, I used short sentences, the text lack from connectors and the repetitition, sometimes without reason, of the conjunction (and), I also think that it was not a complete text it could have been more detailed. About the fluency I think that I had it. The common mistake that I've made and that I still made is the use of the right verbs time. In the structure I made a bit too much paragraphs and the lack of connectors made the text boring. About the vocabulary I see that I used the basic thing that In that time I knew so it doesn't have the maturity that I get now.
My final writing was an informal letter that I enjoyed doing it because I didn't need to use any dictionary, the world were coming into my head naturally and this is very important , because in the exams we don't have any support so arrived in this level has been hard but justified, I used more connectors and I win in maturity.
Finally, I would say that it has been a good exercise to see steps behind and realized my evolution, if I'll repeat the same entry now it will probably be different and much better but there will be always mistakes! But all this works and the results that I get wouldn't be possible without the English teacher who had been always behind us , so Thanks for all you've been doing for our success.
Oral presentations:
When I analyzed my first oral and my last one, I didn't see so much differences, but it's true that I've improved in my fluency and I introduced new vocabulary which make the presentation richer.
In all my presentations I've been nervous but when I start to talk I controlled my nervs. In my first oral I had to talk about a personal topic so it had been easy for me to do it, a big part of my oral consisted on improvisation then I talked about hobbies. The fluency was quite good but what I could see is that I needed vocabulary, because sometimes I had to stop talking just to think about how to say a word. The atmosphere of the class also helped me to calm myself, I had no fears to talk because I knew that I made myself understandable even if I used to talk a bit faster than now. I didn't used any power point and I think that it could have been better using it, because it a good support.
In my last oral presentation, I was not very prepared but I think that it was quite good, Also because I was not alone, and this fact helped me a lot, when we do couple presentation we feel more comfortable and we trust more in our selves. In this last presentation I used a richer vocabulary which give a kind of maturity to the text. I also used more connectors. But it's obvious that I've made some mistakes like using a female possessive when I had to used a male one but in most of the cases I correct these kind of mistakes meanwhile I speak.
Finally, what I can say about this detailed analyzed is that all the works we made in the blogs, the writing, and particularly the orals which helps us all to improve our speaking in English and our fluency had been necessary and very usefull in our future. Now we 're all able to have a thoughtful conversation en English.
My English skill in 2009
One of the things that I enjoyed doing this two years have been the orals presentations, even if I always feel nervous when I start to talk the stress is over. When I check my orals it has been hard to choose the best one, I wanted to put my first oral as my best one, because it was a presentation of my self and I've made it with no difficulties, but in fact If have to choose the best one, it will be the presentation I've made with a friend of mine about the site comes. Because the topic was something that I knew and enjoy it so it was easy to talk about something that you control, but I choose it also because it record a good moment that I've pass with my friend, we were both in osmosis, and we even haven't prepared it before. So it's a good example of improvisation which success. The speaking was fluent, the eyes contact was important and the movement of my hands was quite calm. In my opinion the best orals are those I made improvising like my first one and the one I've choose today. Because you don't control word by word you just talk as you're talking in your own language.
In this oral I think that I've used connectors and a normal vocabulary with a monoton voice, it hadn't been difficult to understand, It was funny and amusing to talk about things of our childhood, the picture were colorful, the class was very attentive. To sum up it had been a real good moment, it doesn't seem that we were doing an exam.
For all these reasons I will present this oral to apply for my universities studies because it's an example of a natural speaking in English.
Best writing evidence:
To choose my best writing I had some difficulties because I enjoyed do every one of them in the portfolio, the writing are a good way to learn how to write every kind of genre like the discussion essay, the informal letter, the opinion essay... But it's obvious that My best one is the ''dialogue with the shepherd '' because before I had some problem with doing dialogues I didn't control it at all but in this one I was inspired, I enjoyed do this writing because the topic was original and also because it' was funny to imagine a conversation of this kind. The use of my imagination was very present, it was like I metamorphose myself in a journalist making questions after others one.
In this writing I improve in the structure, but also in the appropriate use of connectors, and at the end I finished with a sentence which can sum up all the conversation. I consider this writing a bit more mature then my first one, maybe because it was not a personal topic so I had to think more over then myself and also in the used of some vocabulary that I learned. But select this writing as the best one doesn't mean that it has been without mistakes, I need to made less mistake or even see them.
To sum up all, I want to tell that thanks to these two years of hard working I could improve my English in all the fields and now I'm ready to use it without any fear or embarrassment.
dimanche 3 mai 2009
news 2

In Mexico swine flu strain viruses increased and decreased, just over 100 people are thought to have died from thevirus A, although only 22 cases have been confirmed. Spem health authorities says that the virus appeared between the 23 and 28 of April and the the evolution the the epidemic is now in it declining phase
dimanche 26 avril 2009
The phantom of the Opera:
The phantom of the Opera:
The Opera of Paris is a great Opera where every night we can find amazing shows but not only, we can also find there a ghost who hunt every night the Opera. The entire artist who work there fear him but this ghost has a feeble point, he is in love of the most great singer of the Opera, Christine Daée, who has been taught by him how to sing well. Christine thought that the ghost was the angel of music, who was narrated in the stories of his father. But the night when Christine made a success on stage, her childhood friend, Raoul, was there. When she saw him she fainted, after that she didn't want to recognise him, because she knew that the ghost love her and if this ghost, whose name is Erik knew something about the love between she and Raoul, he will kill him. After this night Christine send a letter to his lover to explained to him all this strange story, but the ghost discovered the relationship and get angry, he threaten her that if she don't marry him he will burn the all theatre.
Informal letter
1st April 2009
Well, in fact I have a big problem with you, you're a good person but you spend your time complaining, sometimes when we discuss you0re only explaining your problems, which they have no solutions. I mean that you're always talking about you, you want to be the centre of the attention and most of our friends are unable to stand you anymore. You need to see further that yourself. I'll add that you're too jealous, for how long have you been accusing me a relationship with your boyfriend ? which it's not true and you know it. So please try to change a bit your behaviour cause our friendship depends on it and if you continue this way I'm sure that pour relationship will break.
Before ending I want to tell you that we all have our bad and good sides so I'm not judging you, I'm just giving you an advice which in my opinion could help you in the future.
See you later,
vendredi 10 avril 2009
Dialogue with a farmer
In our modern times, there is no place for ( traditional jobs) like Shepherd or farmer, those works which made and cared the first materials to produce food. If you ask most youngsters what they'll want to do in the future they will probably tell you: a singer, and actor or a business man but few of them will tell you their dreams is to be a shepherd and carry the animals in the field.
Linda: what do you think Mr. Collins, when you were young did you want to be a farmer?
Mr. Collins: yes, sure. Actually all my family worked in the field, it became an old tradition. It was clear for me to be a farmer, I didn't have to choose or think a bout any other job.
Linda: but if your family was from the city and your father a lawyer would you work as a farmer?
Mr. Collins: well, I have to admit that I would probably make another thing.
Linda: so your family and the place you grew-up influenced your future, right?
Mr. Collins: yes, but anyway in my time being a farmer was a very important job, because without our work people couldn't have food.
Linda: do you think that the technology put this kind of jobs as an old and not trendy work?
Mr. Collins: Oh yes, I think that since technology appeared and helped to have a better life, people emigrate from the field to the city to work in the industry. And a lot of other jobs have appeared one after the other letting the most basic ones in the last position.
Linda: but this technology has also helped you to increase your production and make it better and healthier.
Mr. Collins: that's sure, as you know for my parents the work in the farm was very hard, they didn't have the tools and materials that we own now.
Linda: so we can consider that technology has been a good factor to progress in all the fields of life. And also our way of thinking.
vendredi 27 mars 2009
News. News-News
In France police has arrested an old woman helped to recharged cell phones for illegal immigrants
The 59-year-old volunteer with a lot of groups in the Calais region of northern France was put behind bars and interrogated for three hours before being free.
The French government forbids helping illegal migrants and sets quotas for arrests of those who do it. To try to control growing clandestine immigration. This year 5,000 have been arrested.